Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prayer at Ford Field on Nov. 11 - You are Invited to "The Call"

Greetings Pastors and Ministry Leaders of Grand Rapids,
We would like to forward you an email from the West Michigan Prayer Center about an extended time of prayer (24 hours) being planned in Detroit on November 11, 2011. Please consider joining with the body of Christ in united prayer for the State of Michigan. There is literally room for 70,000 people to come and pray together in unity!!!! Please see the specific information below and consider if God might be leading you and some of those around you to be part of this time of prayer.

Thanks so much for your consideration and for your continued faithful ministry in our city and region,

The Planning Team of Gathering Grand Rapids United Prayer


Detroit 11/11/11-Ford Field House

Dear Pastor and Ministry Leader,

We invite your participation in a historic state-wide gathering in Detroit on 11/11/11.  Our hope is that the Lord will come and work His transformation in Michigan as we come together in unity; black, white, brown, red and yellow.

Lou Engle, a man of God, has received a mandate to come to Detroit to help pastors and leaders in the Body of Christ in Michigan rise up to fulfill the call on their lives to preach Christ and reach multitudes for His sake.  The Call is a 24-hour meeting of prayer and fasting.  There are already some buses engaged for transportation from various cities in our state, and we expect upward of 70,000 participants. For further information please reply to this email or check out the website:

Our state is facing a very difficult time along with the rest of the nation where only God has the answers.  He is inviting us to be a part of history making as we unite together to partner with Him for a solution.  This is a Joel 2 mandate to ..."Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house (Ford Field) of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord for restoration.

The Assembly will begin on:
Friday, November 11, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 6 p.m.

It is our hope that you too will run with the vision and burn with new zeal as you share with your people.  We suggest that you might charter a bus, organize vans, and transport the young and old.  Let's fill the Ford Field House in hope that God will hear from heaven and heal our land.  It cannot be done without you.  Our God is calling for us to lay down our differences, find one another in the spirit, and unify in the bond of peace for His purposes and plan in this hour.  Michigan has a destiny-a God-given destiny!  You are part of it and we need you and each other.

The link provided above will take you to the call PROMO on YouTube.  Please spend a few minutes to watch  Also, here is an update from Lou Engle at Ford Field:

Laboring together....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 12 Global Day of Prayer - 6:00 at the South Campus of Ada Bible Church

Greetings to the Body of Christ in the Grand Rapids area, 

As we experience this wonderful spring weather here in West Michigan we would like to invite you to pray for a similar spring of renewal in Christ around the world on Sunday, June 12:00 at 6:00 pm. This movement to unite globally in a day of prayer began Cape Town, South Africa in 2005. Many of you have participated in this day of prayer privately or as a church community. This year you are invited to participate with the body of Christ in the Greater Grand Rapids area in a united time of prayer for our world as well as our particular region. There is a video about the Global day of prayer at this link and much more information available at the US Global Day of Prayer website

Ada Bible Church has graciously offered the use of their South Campus and will be leading us in worship. Local pastors and leaders will be leading in united prayer. As with all Gathering Grand Rapids events, we will not highlight any particular leader and you will be given opportunity to pray with others for the needs of the world and our region. 

The address of the South Campus is 2045 68th St. SE, Caledonia, MI. There is an image and a flier (in two formats) at this link that you are welcome to use to promote participation in this event. You can also find a full-color flier at this link

A Potential Bulletin Announcement: A Global Day of Prayer service sponsored by Gathering Grand Rapids United Prayer will be held on Sunday, June 12, 6:00 pm at the South Campus of Ada Bible Church (2045 68th St. SE, Caledonia, MI). Join with Christians from Grand Rapids and from around the world in prayer for local and global issues in the name of Jesus. 

In prayer with you for our city and region!   

The Gathering Grand Rapids Team

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reminder of the National Day of Prayer this Thursday evening, May 5 - 7:00pm

This is an quick reminder of the National Day of Prayer service this Thursday, May 5. This  service will be held at Sunshine Community Church 7:00-8:30 pm and lead by a diverse group of local pastors and leaders. We need you to join in united prayer for our city, state, and national concerns and leaders. More fliers and info about united prayer can be found in this online folder including information about the upcoming Global Day of Prayer on June 12. 
Here is a email reminder you can send out: This week, please consider coming to the National Day of Prayer Service on Thursday, May 5 at 7:00 pm. The prayer service is planned by Gathering Grand Rapids, a united prayer and worship movement in our city and will be held at Sunshine Community Church located on the East Beltline by 4 mile. 

Praying together for the City

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Invite to Thursday National Day of Prayer - May 5


This is an invite to participate in the National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 5. Please take some time to pray on this day to pray for our city, state, nation and world. Gathering Grand Rapids is planning a united prayer gathering to be held at Sunshine Community Church 7:00-8:30 pm. Please consider coming to this event or finding another such prayer service on the National Day of Prayer Website. The Michigan Prayer Guide is attached if you would like to use this in your own ministry. 

Here is a potential Bulletin Announcement: Please consider coming to that National Day of Prayer Service on May 5 at 7:00 pm, planned by Gathering Grand Rapids a united prayer and worship movement in our city. It will be held at Sunshine Community Church located on the East Beltline by 4 mile. 

Praying together for the City

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Summary, Survey & National Day of Prayer Service

Thank you to everyone who came out to the DeltaPlex to pray for our city as the body of Christ last Saturday night!!! 

If you were there could you please fill out a survey to help in planning future United Prayer services. 

A quick summary of the event: First and foremost, we prayed together as one body for the our city and region with slightly over a thousand people. Once again, a very conscious effort was made to not mention any name but the name of Jesus so He would receive all the glory and praise. Although the number of attendees was not as many as last year, 1000 people praying for the city is a significant event! Over the next month we will be seeking feedback about what date and time might be best for such an event next year. We also should note that the very generous offering for the number of people that were there almost covered the expenses of the event. We anticipate that with gifts that were given and committed outside of the event we will be able to cover all our expenses in the  next week or so. 

Thanks again for your commitment to work and pray on behalf of our city.

Please note that the National Day of Prayer is coming up soon on Thursday, May 5. Gathering Grand Rapids is planning a service to be held at Sunshine Community Church starting at 7:00 pm. Please consider coming to this event or finding another such prayer service on the National Day of Prayer Website or attend the national day of prayer event at Grace Bible College held at noon.

Praying together for the City


Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank You and Feedback Form

Thanks to everyone who came out to the DeltaPlex on Saturday night to pray united for the city and region of Grand Rapids!!! Here is a survey of the event to fill out to help plan for next year. Please take a moment to fill it out if you were there and are able. Thanks so much!!!! 
Gathering Grand Rapids Feedback Form

Friday, April 15, 2011

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the day for United Prayer!!!

On Saturday night at 6:00 pm at the Delta Plex we will gather in unity to seek the peace and prosperity of the city in the name of Jesus Christ.

Many followers of Christ in this city have decided that given Christ's prayer for Unity in John 17, this work of unity in the midst of our diversity is essential for our witness and effectiveness in this city. Thank you so much for your work and commitment to pray and unity in your ministry and thank you so much for your interest and willingness to participate in this particular united prayer effort. May God truly be with you this weekend as you prepare for worship and lead your ministry, church, and family seeking to follow him in all your ways. And may He truly bless and empower us as we gather together in united prayer for our city and region. 

Here are a few updates about this event: 

Please still especially consider recruiting volunteers as we still need people to help in three main areas: Set-up at 9:00 am, Ushers at 4:45 (wear navy blue), and tear-down at 8:00 pm. Details and a sign-up can be found at this link

Thanks so those of you who responded to the request to donate funds! We have been able to make a payment on the sound, although as expected we will need to take an offering at the event. 

There have been many wonderful blessings this year in planning. Once again, there is great interest in the churches and the body of Christ at large for such an opportunity; so many pastors and leaders have responded graciously and with obvious desire for greater unity. On the technical side, our sound company has gone over and above the call of duty to facilitate the technical needs of this event. The staff at the Delta Plex has been absolutely wonderful - this is above the blessing of the relatively low cost of the event. Our graphic designer is amazing in her ability to produce wonderful art practically overnight. A volunteer video team has offered their services and is amazed at how their technical needs are being provided which means this year the event will be recorded for later use to facilitate prayer. The T-shirts look great and are being offered essentially at cost in order to promote united prayer in our city. Funds have come in as needed to pay the bills we have had to pay. Many individuals at media outlets have responded positively to our inquiries about making note of this event. And finally, we were also excited and encouraged to learn that churches in Detroit are planning a united prayer walk for this same day

There are likely more blessings that could be noted, but this is sufficient to share a little of God's grace as He has empowered us to come together and enabled this united prayer event to take place. 

We hope to see you there,

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

LogoGathering Grand Rapids United Prayer & Worship
Links:  Facebook  Twitter  YouTube  Blogger  Google Maps

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Volunteers Needed - 4 days away!

There are four days left before we have an opportunity to pray in unity with the body of Christ!!!

Today we would like to ask if you and your church or a particular group within your church or ministry can help volunteer at the eventPlease sign up at this link or reply to this email if you are able.  

There are three main opportunities to volunteer on April 16:

9:00-11:00 am Chair Set-up - We have to set out about 1000 chairs on the floor of the Delta Plex to save costs.

4:30-8:00 Usher Opportunity - We will need about 150 people to volunteer as greeters and ushers during the event - please were dark blue. 

8:00-10:00 Tear Down - We will need about 30 people to help put away chairs and about 30 to help put away the sound system - This is a huge amount of work! 

Please consider asking a group within your church or possibly a group of friends to help with this opportunity. 

In addition, we also are looking for two more Sony HD Prosumer Video Cameras for the video team. If you know of someone who may be willing to volunteer his or herself and their camera at the event please reply to this email. 

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Invitation to Fast and Pray - April 10-16

As we draw closer and closer to the April 16 event, the Gathering Planning Teams would like to invite you to fast and pray for Unity in the body of Christ and for our common concerns in this city.

Below you will find the specific invitation to fast, a list of reasons why Christians should consider fasting and some guidelines for fasting. You will also find a fairly detailed list of items we hope to pray for at the event that you can pray for ahead of time as well. We encourage you to engage in this fasting and prayer in the context of Christian community and if you are led to share this invitation with your congregation this too would be wonderful. Both of these documents are also available in this online folder for easier viewing and potential printing needs. 

We realize that fasting may not be something that all Christians are familiar with and we also realize that this is also an area where they may be disagreement about both the general practice and the details. Therefore we invite you to accept this invitation is being presented in the spirit of Christian humility as we continue to seek unity in prayer for the sake of our city.

As always, thanks so much for your passion and prayer for our city and region. 

Gathering Grand Rapids - A Call to the Church of Jesus Christ in Grand Rapids to humble ourselves before God and to FAST and PRAY.
§  Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will stir our souls, awaken our churches, and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14.

RECOMMENDED TIME FRAME - April 10-16, 2011

§  Jesus sets the example for fasting.  He assumes we will follow His example and fast also.  He does not say “if you fast” but “when you fast” (Matt 6:16-18; Matt 9:15, 17).
§  Fasting is a primary means of humbling oneself before God.  Humility is an attitude of the heart.  “A broken and a contrite heart - these O God, You will not despise” (Ps. 51:17; See also Ps.35:13; Ezra 8:21; Matt. 23:2; Ps. 69:10; Is. 58:5; Joel 2:12-17).
§  Self sacrifice gets God’s attention.  “Fasting helps to express, to deepen, and to confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice everything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the Kingdom of God”  (Andrew Murray).
§  Fasting opens the door to God’s power.  Power for spiritual conquest comes from the Holy Spirit as people seek God’s face in consecrated diligent prayer with fasting (Bill Bright).  Fasting releases the exact power (anointing) of God to meet the need that you have (Bob Rodgers).
§  Fasting brings unity and blessing to the church (Acts 9:9; 13:2,3; 14:23).
§  Fasting brings about supernatural healing (Is. 58:8; I Sam.1:12).   All through the Bible, God has honored fasting and prayer with miracles of healing.
§  Fasting breaks Satan’s power (Neh.4:17-20; Is. 58:6, 8; Matt. 17:21).
§  Fasting draws me closer to God (James 4:8). 
§  Fasting gives me understanding of God’s Word and God’s will for my life and allows me to receive direction from God for my life.
§  Fasting increases my physical health and well-being (I Cor. 6:19-20; Romans 6:13; Daniel 1).
§  Fasting increases the effectiveness of prayer.  “Fasting is God’s chosen way to deepen and strengthen prayer.  You will be the poorer spiritually and your prayer life will never be what God wants it to be until you practice the privilege of fasting” (Wesley L. Duevel).  The New Testament often links prayer with fasting.  Abstinence from food can be a valuable aid in spiritual exercises.  From the human side it promotes clarity, concentration and keenness.  From the divine standpoint, it seems the Lord is especially willing to answer prayer when we put that prayer before our necessary food” (William MacDonald).
§  Fasting and prayer precede revival.  I believe the power of fasting as it relates to prayer is the spiritual atomic bomb that our Lord has given us to destroy the strongholds of evil and usher in a great revival and spiritual harvest around the world.  Increasingly I have been gripped with a growing sense of urgency to call upon God to send revival to our beloved country  (Bill Bright).
§  Fasting Enables Us to Hear God –– "Intercession without the direction of the Holy Spirit is pointless and ineffective. It is essential to discover God's direction for our prayers." (Consider the elders of the early Church in Acts 13:2).   "One of the greatest hindrances to our hearing the Lord is our inability to focus on Him and His Word. Fasting allows us to remove distractions that hinder our concentration. We can fast from any pleasure. The Lord may lead you into a fast from television, eating sweets or other specific foods, or activities. Abstaining from food and other things that have control over our physical senses, sharpens our spiritual senses. We can better see the Lord and His plans. When a believer covenants to deny his flesh in an act of humility before the Lord, that person is a threat to the kingdom of darkness!” (Alice Smith).
§  If you sincerely humble yourself before the Lord, repent, pray, and seek God's face; if you consistently meditate on His Word, you will experience a heightened awareness of His presence (John 14:21). The Lord will give you fresh, new spiritual insights. Your confidence and faith in God will be strengthened. You will feel mentally, spiritually, and physically refreshed. You will see answers to your prayers.

Prayerfully consider the terms of your fast, what you will fast and for how long.  What is distracting you from your relationship with God?  What do you need to abstain from in order to create more space for God and attentiveness to God?

Biblical fasting, stated simply, is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose.  Some may fast a certain meal each day, or a certain food for the week or month.  Consider “no meats-no sweets,” like a Daniel fast of good healthy fruits and vegetables.  Or an Esther fast of three days with water and juice.  Consider abstaining not only from food but also from secular TV, movies, radio, technology, and secular reading materials during your fast.  

Read God’s Word and journal consistently.  As you fast and seek God, write down what you see, hear, feel, and experience.  “Hearing from God is one of the best things that can happen during a fast.  When you take time to read the Word of God, pray, and wait on the Lord, you can hear the voice of God speaking to you.  You stop listening to your body and catering to its desires so your soul can become quiet.  Then you can listen to God only” (Elmer Towns). 

When you get hungry, you need to feed on more of God.  “Open your mouth wide and I will fill it” (Ps. 81:10).  You need to cry out to God until you are satisfied with spiritual food.  “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man who trusts in Him” (Ps. 34:8).  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” (Matt. 5:6).  I am the bread of life.  He who comes to me shall never hunger” (John 6:35).

We invite you to use the Prayer Topics – 2011 sheet which describes in detail the prayer focus of the 2011 Gathering at the Delta Plex, April 16, 2011.

2001 Prayer Guide for the City

Pray for City, State and National Government
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14:34)

We ask the Lord to:
• turn legislators’ hearts toward Jesus and open their ears to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
• raise up “Josephs,” “Daniels” and “Deborahs” to lead us.
• bring bipartisanship within our legislators. May the disunity be stopped and God’s righteous principles come forth.
• grow us into disciples that seek the “joy of the city.” (Acts 8:8)

Pray for Family
You will be the father of many nations . . . I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and
you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants
after you.” (Genesis 17: 4-7)

We ask the Lord to:
• shape families as vibrant vessels for Kingdom advancement.
• turn children’s hearts to the fathers and fathers’ hearts toward the children.
• provide the armor of God and a spirit of forgiveness and thanksgiving for husbands and wives.
• strengthen struggling families with the dignity of employment.
• set the lonely all around us in family; the orphan, the widow, and the stranger.

Pray for Youth
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in
conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

We ask the Lord to:
• provide overseers with integrity and vision, teachers with passion and knowledge and safe learning environments for all.
• give youth the ears to hear call and vocation in the midst of boredom and purposelessness.
• protect youth from the lies and idols of popular culture.
• raise up “Pauls” to disciple this next generation.
• stoke the fire of prayer in youth today.

Pray for The Church
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility,
gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against
someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in
perfect unity. (Colossians 3:12-14)

We ask the Lord to:
• foster unity within the church of Jesus Christ, placing denominationalism, racism, traditions, strife, envy, jealousies, competition and doctrinal issues to the side and giving us all a true Love for the body of Christ.
• grow our pastors and church leaders in holiness, integrity and Christ-like character, strengthening them in Christ as they stand and live in righteousness and godliness before their communities.
• give us the guidance of the Holy Spirit to move us into a united season of Kingdom mission here in Grand Rapids, in the U.S. and throughout the world.
• break our heart for the plight of the the global church, especially in Japan and in the Middle East, raising up His Bride to announce that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Specific Needs for April 16 event

Good Morning! As this week draws to a close, we are realizing that we have some needs we would like to specifically ask you about. 

The first is (predictably) finances. We have been sailing along rather smoothly paying expenses as the finances have come in, but have now hit a snag. We need to pay a $3000 deposit to our sound provider on Monday so he is able to rent the equipment for the event and we simply don't have it. If you were planning on giving to this event, now would be a great time. Paypal is still available at this link or you can simply send a check made out to Gathering GR to Kentwood Community Church at:

KCC – The Gathering
1200 60th Street SE
Kentwood, MI 49508-7549

Secondly, we need volunteers for the event. Please respond to this email or even better, find some people and sign them up on the online sign-up sheet which is at at this link. Volunteers should wear a dark blue shirt. 

Third, one last announcement or push on Sunday morning would be great if you are able! The video can be downloaded from Vimeo or from YouTube using RealPlayer. Promotional images and files are still available in this online folder

Thursday, April 7, 2011

10 Days Left!

There is only 10 days left before the April 16 United Prayer time at the Delta Plex!!! We are eagerly anticipating our time together in prayer! If you still need any of the promotional files they available in this online folder. The videos are available on YouTube and Vimeo

Here are a few quick updates:

The sign-up sheet for volunteers at the event is now open. Everyone who specifically offered to recruit people to help will get a separate email, but please consider recruiting people to be Greeters and Ushers. We also need people to server on security, and to help with tear-down afterward (we need about 30 people to help with this). You can sign-up yourself and your people at this link by typing names and info directly into the sheet. (you can also simply reply to this email if the sign-up sheet doesn't work for you.) Volunteers should wear a dark blue shirt.
The T-Shirts are now available at Triple J's Jerseys and they look great!!! If you want a T-shirt (including dark blue for volunteering) you can buy one for $10 at Triple J's Jerseys located in Rogers Plaza (534-6958 - 1005 Rogers Plaza SW) You may want to call ahead as each shirt is custom made. They have standard colors available but you can get one printed on any color shirt they have in stock. (see info in attached flyer) 

The List of Churches and Ministries officially participating this year is now available on the website or at this link. If your organization is not included you can still sign up at this link

Thanks so much for your participation in our unity in Christ! 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break Invitation

Good Morning - we realize that many members of our churches and ministries are heading out of town or simply in a different rhythm of life during Spring Break and may not be marking events on their calendars as regularly as other times. We invite you to modify this email and send it on to those you know or members of your congregation as an email invitation to this event. 

Thanks for your passion and prayers for our city! The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams 

Greetings Church,

We realize that today many of you are heading out on Spring Break and am praying that whether you are planning a week away or are staying at home taking care of business that you have a wonderful week with your family and loved ones.

As we close out this week, I wanted to take a moment to specifically invite you to mark your calenders for Saturday April 16 at 6:00 pm. On this date many Churches and Christians in Grand Rapids will come together in prayer for our city and region. Last year, 2500 people from over 100 churches and organizations came out to pray and it was a powerful time of demonstrating and practicing our unity that we have in Christ. This year, the event will be at the Delta Plex and there is room for 6500 people.

This event is being planned by a local and diverse group of pastors and ministry leaders under the name of Gathering Grand Rapids. If you want to see a specific invitation to this event you can check out this Video on YouTube or VimeoMuch more information including the visionleadership structureguiding principles is available on the website at

Thank you so much for your consideration! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Follow-up Information from the Thursday Noon Luncheon

We want to thank everyone who was able to attend the United Prayer Informational Luncheon last week Thursday!

This is a follow-up email about the information shared at that meeting. There are now about 45 churches and 30 ministries officially signed up to attend (this is ahead of where we were last year at this time). If you haven't yet signed up as a church or ministry to participate on April 16 you can do so at this link. By the grace of God we have about 6500 seats available to pray on that Saturday night to pray in Unity!!!

Here is some key information that was shared:

1. Color fliers and postcards are now available and we have lots of both! If you would like some you can stop by First Church on the corner of Franklin and Eastern SE, Grand Rapids on Tuesday through Friday mornings (9-Noon) and pick them up - You can also call the Gathering Grand Rapids number (805-9095) to make other arrangements.

2. The event itself will follow the same format as last year, but have different prayer topics and emphasis - these can be found in the Informational packet which is attached to this email as will be elaborated on in a upcoming Call to Fast that will be send out later this week. The diverse worship team was introduced and is already organized and planning the worship part of the service. Most importantly, it will facilitate prayer as well as worship and it will remain an event centered on Jesus and not on the leaders - to this end no leaders or pastors will be named or introduced. We continue to believe and were greatly affirmed by the feedback that this helps us keep the focus where it should be - on our Lord Jesus Christ. (The Service Planning Team is also taking very seriously and responding to other feedback from last years event.)

3. In an exciting development, Cornerstone Radio has offered to play recorded prayers for our city and region each week and is coordinating ways for these prayers to be played on other local Christian radio stations! Pastor Stedford Sims is coordinating the recording effort and can be contacted directly at if you are interested in praying one of these weekly prayers.

4. We are also developing a method for you to write a prayer letter about your area of the city or region or about an issue that God has laid on your heart. The first sample prayer letter and a more detailed invitation is attached to this email. Please share your heart and knowledge of our city so we can pray in unity with you. Tony Tendero is coordinating this effort and can be contacted directly at:

5. One item we neglected to mention at the luncheon was that we now have T-Shirts available through the initiative and generosity of a local business. Triple J's Jersey's is making these shirts at close to cost and selling them for $10 with $5 of the cost going towards supporting the United Prayer event. The donation will be helpful, but the two most important reasons to pick up one of these T-Shirts is to let people know you are praying for the city and region of Grand Rapids and to let people know that we are coming together in unity to do so. There is a flier attached with details about how to find Triple J and pick up one of these shirts.

And lastly, although there are billboards on US-131 and emails and postcards going out to virtually every church in Kent County, the most important way that people will find out about this event is through you!!! Please take a moment to forward this email to some people who might be interested such as your pastor or someone at another church. Please take some time to make a few phone calls to a few people who may not know yet, or consider setting up a coffee time to talk it over to a person who may need to hear more in person.

All of the information referenced above is located in an online folder which can be found at this link and is also on our website.

Our prayer and goal is that we would be one in this city and region for His name's sake and for the sake of our city.

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ways to Pray for the West Side of Grand Rapids

This is the first of what we hope is many prayer letters about strategic areas and needs in our city written by pastors and ministry leaders. If you are interested in writing such a letter please email

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are writing you from the Near West Side where the Body of Christ has been praying for the Kingdom of God to break forth.  We count it joy that you are partners in the Gospel and will be praying for the light of Christ to break forth here.

As you pray, let us suggest a couple of specific ways that you might pray

  The 49504 zip code (where we are located) has one of the highest rates of Child Protective Services calls for the Grand Rapids area.  Would you please pray that God would pour out His peace and protection on the apartments and houses in our neighborhood?  Would you also pray that God would turn the hearts of fathers and mothers to their children and the hearts of children to their mothers and fathers?

  Officers from the Grand Rapids Police Department have reported that Stocking Avenue in our neighborhood has become a location for sex trafficking.  Would you please pray for freedom for the girls and women in the sex trade industry?  Pray for places of refuge and light for them as God releases them from bondage.  Pray that the Lord would dry up the demand for prostitution.  Pray that He would free the men from their addiction to the sex trade. 

  Teenagers on the West Side are looking for purpose, guidance and support in their schools.  Reports from Steepletown Ministries, Bridge Street House of Prayer, Other Way Ministries and the Stockbridge Boiler Room confirm this reality.  Pray that God would inspire students toward purpose and full use of their God-given faculties for learning.  Pray that God would raise up learning opportunities and environments where students would be safe, supported and challenged to develop academically and socially. 

  In surveys taken during our community meal at the 5th Street Hall, 75% of our participants identified "mentors for young people" as a critical need for our community.  Would you pray for individuals with a grace to guide and encourage children and teenagers?  Pray that these children and teenagers might follow their mentors as their mentors follow Christ.

  Surveys also identify loneliness as a key problem for West Siders.  Please pray that God would "set the lonely in family." (Ps 68).  Pray that Kingdom family would grow in their capacity to welcome the lonely and to disciple them in the way of Jesus. 

Please share any Scripture, pictures, words of knowledge/wisdom coming from prayer.
Yours in the joyful advance of His Kingdom,

Tony Tendero – The Stockbridge Boiler Room

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Greetings to area Pastors & Ministry Leaders!

In order to update all area Pastors and Ministry Leaders (including local church prayer leaders!) you are invited to a free noon luncheon on March 24 at Woodlawn Ministry Center (3190 Burton St. SE). The Planning Teams will share progress and ask for feedback on the upcoming Saturday, April 16 united prayer event at the DeltaPlex Arena, about other upcoming prayer events, about developments in praying on local radio stations for our city and region, and about writing and receiving strategic prayer letters about particular concerns or joys in our city. You will also have an opportunity to help plan future events throughout the Spring and Summer and into next year. 

Are you feeling called to united prayer on behalf of the city and it's people? Please come out for a 1 hour luncheon and consider joining with the body of Christ in a visible demonstration of the unity we have in Christ our Lord. 

Please RSPV simply by replying to this email at with a yes and a number of people from your organization that will be attending. 

Thank you so much for your consideration!
You can still sign up to Participate in the April 16 event at this link.
For your interest, feedback from last year that is being incorporated into this year's event is available here but we need specific feedback on this years event and upcoming events.
An updated and corrected Invitation Packet is available here with some corrections. A better graphic, posters, and postcards will be available soon and a full media packet will be available at the Luncheon. 
March 24 Luncheon Invitation 2011.jpg

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Invitation to Join in City-Wide United Prayer Service, 6:00pm, April 16, 2011

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in the Grand Rapids area, 
On April 25, 2010, 2500 people from over a 100 different churches and ministries gathered together to pray as the body of Christ for our city.  It was an amazing experience. 

This year we will pray together again on Saturday, April 16, 6:00 pm at the DeltaPlex Arena - and there is room for 7000 people to come and pray! The service planning team is working to build on last year's prayer movement, as we continue to pray in a united way for our city. Once again, we will only lift up the name of Jesus as we once again pour our hearts out to God in prayer. 

This is your invitation to join with us in prayer. We would like to publish a list of participating churches, as well as have an estimate of the attendance.  Please fill out this form by clicking this link: Online Signup Form, or you can simply reply to this email. 

This event is, being planned by a local and diverse group of pastors and ministry leaders under the name of Gathering Grand Rapids. Much more information, including the vision, leadership structure, and guiding principles,is available on the website at, or you can contact us by one of the other ways listed below. 
Thanks for your love and ministry on behalf of the city and region of Grand Rapids! 

The Gathering Grand Rapids Planning Teams

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