Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break Invitation

Good Morning - we realize that many members of our churches and ministries are heading out of town or simply in a different rhythm of life during Spring Break and may not be marking events on their calendars as regularly as other times. We invite you to modify this email and send it on to those you know or members of your congregation as an email invitation to this event. 

Thanks for your passion and prayers for our city! The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams 

Greetings Church,

We realize that today many of you are heading out on Spring Break and am praying that whether you are planning a week away or are staying at home taking care of business that you have a wonderful week with your family and loved ones.

As we close out this week, I wanted to take a moment to specifically invite you to mark your calenders for Saturday April 16 at 6:00 pm. On this date many Churches and Christians in Grand Rapids will come together in prayer for our city and region. Last year, 2500 people from over 100 churches and organizations came out to pray and it was a powerful time of demonstrating and practicing our unity that we have in Christ. This year, the event will be at the Delta Plex and there is room for 6500 people.

This event is being planned by a local and diverse group of pastors and ministry leaders under the name of Gathering Grand Rapids. If you want to see a specific invitation to this event you can check out this Video on YouTube or VimeoMuch more information including the visionleadership structureguiding principles is available on the website at www.gatheringgr.org.

Thank you so much for your consideration! 

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