Friday, April 15, 2011

Tomorrow (Saturday) is the day for United Prayer!!!

On Saturday night at 6:00 pm at the Delta Plex we will gather in unity to seek the peace and prosperity of the city in the name of Jesus Christ.

Many followers of Christ in this city have decided that given Christ's prayer for Unity in John 17, this work of unity in the midst of our diversity is essential for our witness and effectiveness in this city. Thank you so much for your work and commitment to pray and unity in your ministry and thank you so much for your interest and willingness to participate in this particular united prayer effort. May God truly be with you this weekend as you prepare for worship and lead your ministry, church, and family seeking to follow him in all your ways. And may He truly bless and empower us as we gather together in united prayer for our city and region. 

Here are a few updates about this event: 

Please still especially consider recruiting volunteers as we still need people to help in three main areas: Set-up at 9:00 am, Ushers at 4:45 (wear navy blue), and tear-down at 8:00 pm. Details and a sign-up can be found at this link

Thanks so those of you who responded to the request to donate funds! We have been able to make a payment on the sound, although as expected we will need to take an offering at the event. 

There have been many wonderful blessings this year in planning. Once again, there is great interest in the churches and the body of Christ at large for such an opportunity; so many pastors and leaders have responded graciously and with obvious desire for greater unity. On the technical side, our sound company has gone over and above the call of duty to facilitate the technical needs of this event. The staff at the Delta Plex has been absolutely wonderful - this is above the blessing of the relatively low cost of the event. Our graphic designer is amazing in her ability to produce wonderful art practically overnight. A volunteer video team has offered their services and is amazed at how their technical needs are being provided which means this year the event will be recorded for later use to facilitate prayer. The T-shirts look great and are being offered essentially at cost in order to promote united prayer in our city. Funds have come in as needed to pay the bills we have had to pay. Many individuals at media outlets have responded positively to our inquiries about making note of this event. And finally, we were also excited and encouraged to learn that churches in Detroit are planning a united prayer walk for this same day

There are likely more blessings that could be noted, but this is sufficient to share a little of God's grace as He has empowered us to come together and enabled this united prayer event to take place. 

We hope to see you there,

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

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