Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Follow-up Information from the Thursday Noon Luncheon

We want to thank everyone who was able to attend the United Prayer Informational Luncheon last week Thursday!

This is a follow-up email about the information shared at that meeting. There are now about 45 churches and 30 ministries officially signed up to attend (this is ahead of where we were last year at this time). If you haven't yet signed up as a church or ministry to participate on April 16 you can do so at this link. By the grace of God we have about 6500 seats available to pray on that Saturday night to pray in Unity!!!

Here is some key information that was shared:

1. Color fliers and postcards are now available and we have lots of both! If you would like some you can stop by First Church on the corner of Franklin and Eastern SE, Grand Rapids on Tuesday through Friday mornings (9-Noon) and pick them up - You can also call the Gathering Grand Rapids number (805-9095) to make other arrangements.

2. The event itself will follow the same format as last year, but have different prayer topics and emphasis - these can be found in the Informational packet which is attached to this email as will be elaborated on in a upcoming Call to Fast that will be send out later this week. The diverse worship team was introduced and is already organized and planning the worship part of the service. Most importantly, it will facilitate prayer as well as worship and it will remain an event centered on Jesus and not on the leaders - to this end no leaders or pastors will be named or introduced. We continue to believe and were greatly affirmed by the feedback that this helps us keep the focus where it should be - on our Lord Jesus Christ. (The Service Planning Team is also taking very seriously and responding to other feedback from last years event.)

3. In an exciting development, Cornerstone Radio has offered to play recorded prayers for our city and region each week and is coordinating ways for these prayers to be played on other local Christian radio stations! Pastor Stedford Sims is coordinating the recording effort and can be contacted directly at ssims@stepoffaithchurch.org if you are interested in praying one of these weekly prayers.

4. We are also developing a method for you to write a prayer letter about your area of the city or region or about an issue that God has laid on your heart. The first sample prayer letter and a more detailed invitation is attached to this email. Please share your heart and knowledge of our city so we can pray in unity with you. Tony Tendero is coordinating this effort and can be contacted directly at: stockbridgeboilerroom@gmail.com.

5. One item we neglected to mention at the luncheon was that we now have T-Shirts available through the initiative and generosity of a local business. Triple J's Jersey's is making these shirts at close to cost and selling them for $10 with $5 of the cost going towards supporting the United Prayer event. The donation will be helpful, but the two most important reasons to pick up one of these T-Shirts is to let people know you are praying for the city and region of Grand Rapids and to let people know that we are coming together in unity to do so. There is a flier attached with details about how to find Triple J and pick up one of these shirts.

And lastly, although there are billboards on US-131 and emails and postcards going out to virtually every church in Kent County, the most important way that people will find out about this event is through you!!! Please take a moment to forward this email to some people who might be interested such as your pastor or someone at another church. Please take some time to make a few phone calls to a few people who may not know yet, or consider setting up a coffee time to talk it over to a person who may need to hear more in person.

All of the information referenced above is located in an online folder which can be found at this link and is also on our website.

Our prayer and goal is that we would be one in this city and region for His name's sake and for the sake of our city.

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

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