Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Feb. 11 Update: 4 Items

Good morning! 

There are four items we want to let you know in a short email this morning, three are reminders from last weeks email, one is brand new and quite significant:

1. There is a Friday noon united prayer meeting for our city and region at noon today. This will be held at Kingdom Life Ministries at 2317 Kalamazoo Ave. SE.

2. On Feb. 20, there will be a 6:00 pm Sunday Night United Prayer Service at the South Campus of Ada Bible Church 2025 68th Street SE

3. On Thursday, March 24 there will be a Pastor and Leaders Luncheon at Woodlawn Ministry Center to gather in prayer and fellowship and to hear and provide feedback about the plans for the April event. We will also to hear about and provide feedback about the events that are being planned following the April event.

4. And here is the big news: At the last moment, just before we were going to sign the contract with DeVos Place, we were presented with the option of using the Delta Plex for much, much cheaper. As we prayed and discussed this option, we also realized that this would make it possible to have the large prayer event on a Saturday night, which quite a few churches had requested, but was not possible at DeVos. After prayer and discussion with all the planning teams, we decided to have the event at the Delta Plex on Saturday, April 16 (likely still at 6:00 pm but stay tuned). The downside is that the Delta Plex is not as comfortable of a facility. It is also not downtown which would be seen as a downside but some considered a plus. Firmly on the positive side, between lower facility and sound equipment costs, the event will cost between $13,000 - $14,000 less than at the DeVos Place. Plus it is available on a Saturday night and can seat 7000 people instead of 3800. These three factors in the end were compelling enough to lead the planning teams to make a decision to change the venue to the Delta Plex. We hope and pray that this is a blessing and makes it even more possible for more followers of Christ to come together and pray for this city it's well-being.
As always, feedback is welcome on these items or anything else. There is a lot of work going on to plan the service, support it and the city in continued prayer, raise the funds necessary to have this event and to let people know as many different ways as possible. If you are a pastor or ministry leader in your non-profit or in your church and are feeling like you should be part of one of these teams, please follow that leading by sending a quick email back. We would love to let you know how to get involved.

Looking forward to what God has in store in amazement about what he has already done, 

The Gathering Grand Rapids Teams

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