Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prayer at Ford Field on Nov. 11 - You are Invited to "The Call"

Greetings Pastors and Ministry Leaders of Grand Rapids,
We would like to forward you an email from the West Michigan Prayer Center about an extended time of prayer (24 hours) being planned in Detroit on November 11, 2011. Please consider joining with the body of Christ in united prayer for the State of Michigan. There is literally room for 70,000 people to come and pray together in unity!!!! Please see the specific information below and consider if God might be leading you and some of those around you to be part of this time of prayer.

Thanks so much for your consideration and for your continued faithful ministry in our city and region,

The Planning Team of Gathering Grand Rapids United Prayer


Detroit 11/11/11-Ford Field House

Dear Pastor and Ministry Leader,

We invite your participation in a historic state-wide gathering in Detroit on 11/11/11.  Our hope is that the Lord will come and work His transformation in Michigan as we come together in unity; black, white, brown, red and yellow.

Lou Engle, a man of God, has received a mandate to come to Detroit to help pastors and leaders in the Body of Christ in Michigan rise up to fulfill the call on their lives to preach Christ and reach multitudes for His sake.  The Call is a 24-hour meeting of prayer and fasting.  There are already some buses engaged for transportation from various cities in our state, and we expect upward of 70,000 participants. For further information please reply to this email or check out the website:

Our state is facing a very difficult time along with the rest of the nation where only God has the answers.  He is inviting us to be a part of history making as we unite together to partner with Him for a solution.  This is a Joel 2 mandate to ..."Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house (Ford Field) of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord for restoration.

The Assembly will begin on:
Friday, November 11, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 6 p.m.

It is our hope that you too will run with the vision and burn with new zeal as you share with your people.  We suggest that you might charter a bus, organize vans, and transport the young and old.  Let's fill the Ford Field House in hope that God will hear from heaven and heal our land.  It cannot be done without you.  Our God is calling for us to lay down our differences, find one another in the spirit, and unify in the bond of peace for His purposes and plan in this hour.  Michigan has a destiny-a God-given destiny!  You are part of it and we need you and each other.

The link provided above will take you to the call PROMO on YouTube.  Please spend a few minutes to watch  Also, here is an update from Lou Engle at Ford Field:

Laboring together....

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