Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Announcement of City-Wide Pastoral and Ministry Leadership Prayer

February 22, 2012

Dear  Pastors and Ministry Leaders in West Michigan,

Greetings from Gathering Grand Rapids. Unity is emphasized in Scripture as a characteristic of the church, Christ’s body, and in the specific teaching of Jesus. As we continue to seek God’s heart regarding united, city-wide prayer, we believe this movement begins with pastors and ministry leaders. We are inviting pastors and ministry leaders from all over greater Grand Rapids—from different areas, denominations, and races—to gather together and lift up our city in prayer.

Beginning Wednesday, March 14, 2012, we will be hosting a monthly, city-wide pastoral prayer gathering from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. at Kingdom Life Ministries, 2317 Kalamazoo Ave SE. This is an opportunity for the leaders of this city to join together in prayer for Grand Rapids. No offerings or appeals will be made at this gathering. We are simply going to pray.

We ask that you consider devoting one hour each month to joining other pastors and ministry leaders from greater Grand Rapids to pray for the revival of our city.

Warmest Regards,

Gathering GR Leadership Team

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Prayer at Ford Field on Nov. 11 - You are Invited to "The Call"

Greetings Pastors and Ministry Leaders of Grand Rapids,
We would like to forward you an email from the West Michigan Prayer Center about an extended time of prayer (24 hours) being planned in Detroit on November 11, 2011. Please consider joining with the body of Christ in united prayer for the State of Michigan. There is literally room for 70,000 people to come and pray together in unity!!!! Please see the specific information below and consider if God might be leading you and some of those around you to be part of this time of prayer.

Thanks so much for your consideration and for your continued faithful ministry in our city and region,

The Planning Team of Gathering Grand Rapids United Prayer


Detroit 11/11/11-Ford Field House

Dear Pastor and Ministry Leader,

We invite your participation in a historic state-wide gathering in Detroit on 11/11/11.  Our hope is that the Lord will come and work His transformation in Michigan as we come together in unity; black, white, brown, red and yellow.

Lou Engle, a man of God, has received a mandate to come to Detroit to help pastors and leaders in the Body of Christ in Michigan rise up to fulfill the call on their lives to preach Christ and reach multitudes for His sake.  The Call is a 24-hour meeting of prayer and fasting.  There are already some buses engaged for transportation from various cities in our state, and we expect upward of 70,000 participants. For further information please reply to this email or check out the website:

Our state is facing a very difficult time along with the rest of the nation where only God has the answers.  He is inviting us to be a part of history making as we unite together to partner with Him for a solution.  This is a Joel 2 mandate to ..."Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house (Ford Field) of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord for restoration.

The Assembly will begin on:
Friday, November 11, 2011 at 6 p.m.
Saturday, November 12, 2011 at 6 p.m.

It is our hope that you too will run with the vision and burn with new zeal as you share with your people.  We suggest that you might charter a bus, organize vans, and transport the young and old.  Let's fill the Ford Field House in hope that God will hear from heaven and heal our land.  It cannot be done without you.  Our God is calling for us to lay down our differences, find one another in the spirit, and unify in the bond of peace for His purposes and plan in this hour.  Michigan has a destiny-a God-given destiny!  You are part of it and we need you and each other.

The link provided above will take you to the call PROMO on YouTube.  Please spend a few minutes to watch  Also, here is an update from Lou Engle at Ford Field:

Laboring together....

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June 12 Global Day of Prayer - 6:00 at the South Campus of Ada Bible Church

Greetings to the Body of Christ in the Grand Rapids area, 

As we experience this wonderful spring weather here in West Michigan we would like to invite you to pray for a similar spring of renewal in Christ around the world on Sunday, June 12:00 at 6:00 pm. This movement to unite globally in a day of prayer began Cape Town, South Africa in 2005. Many of you have participated in this day of prayer privately or as a church community. This year you are invited to participate with the body of Christ in the Greater Grand Rapids area in a united time of prayer for our world as well as our particular region. There is a video about the Global day of prayer at this link and much more information available at the US Global Day of Prayer website

Ada Bible Church has graciously offered the use of their South Campus and will be leading us in worship. Local pastors and leaders will be leading in united prayer. As with all Gathering Grand Rapids events, we will not highlight any particular leader and you will be given opportunity to pray with others for the needs of the world and our region. 

The address of the South Campus is 2045 68th St. SE, Caledonia, MI. There is an image and a flier (in two formats) at this link that you are welcome to use to promote participation in this event. You can also find a full-color flier at this link

A Potential Bulletin Announcement: A Global Day of Prayer service sponsored by Gathering Grand Rapids United Prayer will be held on Sunday, June 12, 6:00 pm at the South Campus of Ada Bible Church (2045 68th St. SE, Caledonia, MI). Join with Christians from Grand Rapids and from around the world in prayer for local and global issues in the name of Jesus. 

In prayer with you for our city and region!   

The Gathering Grand Rapids Team

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Reminder of the National Day of Prayer this Thursday evening, May 5 - 7:00pm

This is an quick reminder of the National Day of Prayer service this Thursday, May 5. This  service will be held at Sunshine Community Church 7:00-8:30 pm and lead by a diverse group of local pastors and leaders. We need you to join in united prayer for our city, state, and national concerns and leaders. More fliers and info about united prayer can be found in this online folder including information about the upcoming Global Day of Prayer on June 12. 
Here is a email reminder you can send out: This week, please consider coming to the National Day of Prayer Service on Thursday, May 5 at 7:00 pm. The prayer service is planned by Gathering Grand Rapids, a united prayer and worship movement in our city and will be held at Sunshine Community Church located on the East Beltline by 4 mile. 

Praying together for the City

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Invite to Thursday National Day of Prayer - May 5


This is an invite to participate in the National Day of Prayer this Thursday, May 5. Please take some time to pray on this day to pray for our city, state, nation and world. Gathering Grand Rapids is planning a united prayer gathering to be held at Sunshine Community Church 7:00-8:30 pm. Please consider coming to this event or finding another such prayer service on the National Day of Prayer Website. The Michigan Prayer Guide is attached if you would like to use this in your own ministry. 

Here is a potential Bulletin Announcement: Please consider coming to that National Day of Prayer Service on May 5 at 7:00 pm, planned by Gathering Grand Rapids a united prayer and worship movement in our city. It will be held at Sunshine Community Church located on the East Beltline by 4 mile. 

Praying together for the City

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Summary, Survey & National Day of Prayer Service

Thank you to everyone who came out to the DeltaPlex to pray for our city as the body of Christ last Saturday night!!! 

If you were there could you please fill out a survey to help in planning future United Prayer services. 

A quick summary of the event: First and foremost, we prayed together as one body for the our city and region with slightly over a thousand people. Once again, a very conscious effort was made to not mention any name but the name of Jesus so He would receive all the glory and praise. Although the number of attendees was not as many as last year, 1000 people praying for the city is a significant event! Over the next month we will be seeking feedback about what date and time might be best for such an event next year. We also should note that the very generous offering for the number of people that were there almost covered the expenses of the event. We anticipate that with gifts that were given and committed outside of the event we will be able to cover all our expenses in the  next week or so. 

Thanks again for your commitment to work and pray on behalf of our city.

Please note that the National Day of Prayer is coming up soon on Thursday, May 5. Gathering Grand Rapids is planning a service to be held at Sunshine Community Church starting at 7:00 pm. Please consider coming to this event or finding another such prayer service on the National Day of Prayer Website or attend the national day of prayer event at Grace Bible College held at noon.

Praying together for the City


Monday, April 18, 2011

Thank You and Feedback Form

Thanks to everyone who came out to the DeltaPlex on Saturday night to pray united for the city and region of Grand Rapids!!! Here is a survey of the event to fill out to help plan for next year. Please take a moment to fill it out if you were there and are able. Thanks so much!!!! 
Gathering Grand Rapids Feedback Form